Building bridges and improving racial harmony
As we all know that a Tanzanian student was beaten up and stripped in Bengaluru. It wasn’t mob rage over an accident. It was racism. As Indians, we expect equal treatment in other countries. But how do we treat foreigners in India? Let’s tell the world that they will be safe in India. Lately Ludhiana has been a choice of foreign students from more than 30 countries. Ludhianvies have proved to be great host and have welcomed these guests with what we called perfect Punjabi Hospitality.We are glad to inform that Punjab in particular Ludhiana is a hub for students from developing nations who come for Graduate courses.
Racial attack is a matter of extreme shame, not of pride., we must first break down the causes of this problem. In order to solve racial discrimination, SBS is organizing an event “Building bridges and improving racial harmony” on March 08. As you know we already have trained 170 foreign students enrolled with us from thirteen nations under various programs. An attempt will be made to understand why people of a different race feel the need to racially discriminate against minorities. Three causes that standout are superiority, stereotyping, and fear of the unknown. Students from India, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Uganda will elaborate on these causes and possible remedies. Foreign Students will dress in their traditional costumes and will present cultural activity representing their area followed by the talk.
This genuinely is the hope for mankind in their fight to end racism.