Absentees in Practicals
Dated: – 30 May 2016
Despite number of reminders through SMS, phone calls and notices on website and notice board following students failed to appear in the practical examination held on 28th May, 2016. These students are to report immediately to the Associate Director.
B.Com 4th
1) Lakhvir Singh
2) Beillarmine Kobugabe
BBA 2nd
1) Birjesh Kumar
2) Harkesh kumar
3) Juma Khan
4) Mohmmad Ishaq Alimi
BBA 4th
1) Jatinder Singh
2) Mandeep Singh
3) Murjanetu Yusuf
4) Rahul
5) Samuel Audu
BCA 2nd
1) Hargobind Singh
Manudeep Kaushal