“PARWAAZ” Season -II Successfully concluded more than 50 Schools and 1000 plus Students from around the City Participated in Varios Cultural and Educational events Organised by Synetic Business School. Whole team of SBS and Students made PARWAAZ a great Success.
Ludhiana, The Students’ Forum of Ludhiana Management Association (LMA), organised a seminar on the Topic, “Entrepreneurship is a Way of Life” by Mr. Kamal Wadhera at the Campus of Synetic Business School (SBS), Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana. Mr Wadhera, delved upon his more than 25 years of experience and gave the …
Dr.Ghazala Qadri (Chairman, SBS College) delivered lecture on Women Hygiene to the Students of SBS College. Girls Student were made aware about the Importance of Feminine Hygiene in Individuals life.
SBS College organised a Guest lecture on Career Counselling and Guidance by Mr.Gurpreet Jassal. Students of First Year attended the Lecture and gained Valuable Knowledge about Career Development and Industrial Exposure.
Dr. Zafar Zahir MD & Pricipal Synetic Business School Facilated Ms. Vandana Assistant Professor Department of Commerce fo Succesfully completing 7 Days Faculty Development Program for Student Induction organised by All India Council for Technical Association (AICTE) at IKG-PTU Kapurthala Punjab.