Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test Now Online, you can take the test and first top 20 students will get the chance for scholarship up to Rs. 21,000. So take it now and entitled to get the scholarship. How to Take online Test Click the below …
SIMTA – The Job Oriented Diploma Institute going to organize next typing competition on 24th December at 2:00 PM at SBS Campus. So more than 50 students from different schools of Ludhiana are expected to be participate in the event. This event is organizing to create awareness of technology and …
SIMTA – the job oriented Diploma Institute of SBS conducted a English Typing Competition in MS WORD at the campus Computer Lab. Students from various schools and colleges participated in the event where the students were given prize scholarships of upto Rs. 10,000 based on their performance in typing speed, …
Dr. Ghazala Qadri currently serves as Chairperson of Zayn Educational Trust – a non-profit Trust/Society – that manages Synetic Business School (SBS) and SIMTA for vocational training in education and work for health and well-being in Semi-Urban and Rural Areas of Punjab. She got fellowship in Dietetics and Nutrition from …
Dr. M. A. Zahir, M.Com., Ph.D., Founder, served as the Chairman at Synetic Business School (SBS), Ludhiana. Dr. Zahir has more than 45 years of experience in business management education and involved in imparting training to the executives at senior levels of different institutions in public as well as private …
Dr. Zafar Zahir comes from the reputed family of Management Guru Dr. M.A. Zahir. Dr.Zafar is the cofounder of Zayn Educational Trust in year 2004 – with an aim to bring professional education – to the grassroots of the Indian society. He currently serves as Managing Director and Honorary Principal …
The media has given an extensive coverage of the Life Time Achievement Award to Dr M.A.Zahir, our late Founder Chairman for his overall contribution to the field of professional education, culture and industry. The award was received by Dr Zafar from Himachal Pradesh Governor at the Annual Day Ceremony of …
Our honourable Founding Chairman Late Dr M.A. Zahir, is being awarded LMA Sat Paul Mittal Life Time Achievement Award on Monday, 3rd December by Ludhiana Management Association. This award was announced in end of October 2018 and who knew that Dr Zahir will no more be there in this world …
First Day of Parent – Teacher Meeting was cheerful and well managed. The teachers attended the parents with a warm welcome and presented the report cards and performance of the students in front of parents. Today’s PTM was gone successfully along with counseling and motivation session.
Dear Parents, SBS invites you to Parent Teacher Meeting on 21-22 November 2018 from 10PM to 2PM. PTM is organised to give you Performance Report of your ward. For any query 8556001933. www.sbs.ac.in