HERE I COME!!! This was one of the most entertaining and breath-taking sports where students exercised their energy and lion-skills in the attacking movement strokes. Many were left perplexed especially the international students who were witnessing this sport for the very first time….
No one was left empty handed, as some of the ladies from the participating schools received certificates. Posing with them is our own Mr. Damanpreet Singh who was a judge along with the honored teachers from the different schools
The School Cultural Festival was climaxed with a number of award- presentations to the winning sides from the various competing schools. This prestigious ceremony was presided over by the Chairman Dr. Zahir and his Executive Director Prof. Kathuria.
The highly anticipated cricket games were flagged-off by the honorable Dr. Zahir in a stead-fast arena filled with the different competing teams from the assorted colleges. Chanting and waving behind the scenes were the youthful and energetic supporters.
Seated in a soothing arrangement of tents and chairs were the honored and invited guests at the School Cultural Festival. A well-graced ushering ceremony was presented followed by the main activities of cultural dance, mimes, poem’s, solo’s, jokes and other performances.
Just a look at the table full of well decorated fruits was simply enough to make one salivate towards the cluster of conjugating fruits, simple to say—– Ready to gobble. This was a Salad making competition where a vast number of students displayed a variety of different fruits sliced into …
This stunning floor-design was setup in preparations of the School Cultural Festival that endured with in a week’s time. Students exhibited their different designs and talents that were showcased within the school’s main entrance. Suffice to say, these were some radiant symmetrical designs that attracted the attention of every on-looker
Synetic Business school(Affiliated to PTU) recently conducted Career oriented seminar and General Knowledge Olympiad for 10+2 students in 23 schools in and around Ludhiana city. The Olympiad consisted of four sections i.e. General Knowledge, Reasoning, Mathematics and English Grammar This Olympiad is being conducted in the schools under the proper …
The students of BBA were taken to some practical exposure in marketing. They put up a kiosk of their institute in a local school and promoted the courses offered. They interacted with the Indian school students who had a number of questions about their career. The program was coordinated by …
BCM School, Ludhiana invited international students of Synetic Business School to celebrate Lohri with the school students.