Synetic Business School – SBS wishes birthday to Chairman Dr. M.A. Zahir. Dr. M.A. Zahir shared with faculty his experiences through the journey of his life. He said that every staff member must consider himself a family member of SBS rather than an employee.
Date: 21st Dec 2015 Ref: Foreign students Notice It is come to our notice that no of foreign students have deposited their Passports willingly as security against their dues. They have not taken back their Passport from the office by paying their due on the dates committed by them at …
Notice It has been observed that a few students are not regular in attending their classes. Neither these students submit their assignments nor appear in midterms. This carelessness will have bad impact on the career and future of the student. Future is uncertain, life cannot predicted, and competition is immense. …
NOTICE It is for the information of all that the institute has started posting all the notices on its website, home page, under the column “NOTICE BOARD”. It is the duty of everyone to keep himself or herself update. Besides, the practice of posting the notices on the notice board …
All the class teachers are instructed to take the email accounts of the students in their assigned classes in the beginning of the semester and deposit one list to Asst. Prof. Rashmi Bhatia and one to Asst. Prof. Gurinder Singh. Those students who do not have email accounts should be …
NOTICE “LUDHIANA ROCKS” Everyone in Synetic Business School is an important family member. We are a big family and it is our duty to keep our surroundings neat and clean. Please keep your college clean. Throw empty packets of snacks, paper plates, napkins and any other waste material in dust …
NOTICE Faculty is instructed to prepare the notes of all the subjects assigned to them. Management has clearly passed on the instructions that students be given quality notes by their teachers. The next semester will be beginning after Lohri. The conference room is assigned for this job. The faculty should …
NOTICE The faculty members have been given the activity chart well in advance. It is the earnest desire of Dr.Zafar Zahir that our students must be engaged in various cultural activities and academic activities throughout the semester. Therefore, you are advised to start working on these activities. Prepare a skeleton …
NOTICE (Examination fee) It is for the information of all the students that the examination fee of Rs. 700/- will now be taken in advance in the beginning of the semester itself. As per the rules, the tuition fee and the bus fee must be paid within 15 days of …
NOTICE All the faculty members are advised to complete their self assessment sheet and student evaluation sheets by last 28th December.