Date Sheet for Home Test: Home Test Series-1
Dear students as your Syllabus is over, and we want your participation now, so we have decided to take online test of everyone from tommorow.
1. You all have to submit the test by next day within 24 hours on the given date by your subject teacher.
2. Test must be in written form and then convert the hard copy into soft copy scan it and convert in pdf form
3. It is compulsory for all the students to attempt this otherwise your internal assessment will suffer for this.
4. Any type of negligence will not be accepted.
5.The test will be mailed at your respective subject teacher’s official mail id or Whatsapp (only in case you don’t have e mail id)
You have to mail your answer sheets to your respective subject teacher’s. Attendance will be marked those who will not give the test there internal marks will suffer
You will get regular updates from the college Authorities as well as from your teacher’s.
Thank you, All the Best.