August 10, 2016
It is a matter of deep concern that few students are intentionally damaging the property of the family. In last few days light switches, chairs, window panes, handles have been found damaged by the students, which is very sad.
All the class teachers are instructed to monitor and supervise very very carefully and remain vigilant. Every day they must check their classes and if any damage/breakage is found must be reported to Mr. Deepak either by mail or in written and keep one copy for their records. Damage if caused by students will be charged from the entire class.
Prof. Nitish Batra and Prof. Navneet Kaur can pursue their official and academic work on the computer No. 03 lying in the Computer Lab No.1 . They are allotted unique pass word to save their data from the students using the same. Pass word can be obtained from Prof. Jaswinder Singh. Internet is accessible on this PC to do FRRO and other work. To make prints they can use printer in the Library.
Manudeep Kaushal
It is a matter of deep concern that few students have intentionally damaged the window pane of class No. 309 used by BCA semester 3rd. As per our previous notice it is liability of the entire class to pay for any damage. Either the class informs the name of the student who has caused the damage to their class teacher or fine of Rs. 200 each shall be charged from the entire class.
Prof. Jaswinder Singh
Class Teacher
BCA Semester 3rd.