Passports Claims
It is come to our notice that no of foreign students have deposited their Passports willingly as security against their dues. They have not taken back their Passport from the office by paying their due on the dates committed by them at the time of depositing their passport. College cannot take responsibility of such important documents from this long period of time. It is the duty of the student to get back his Passport by paying their dues. Detail of the student and dues are as under.
Sr. No Name of the student Pending fee(US Dollars)$ Fine (Rs)
1 Getrude $115 2,000/-
2 Winnie $54 2,000/-
3 Obed $439($349+$90 Bus fee) 2,000/-
4 Walter $244($100+$144 Bus fee) 2,000/-
5 Kevin $85 2,000/-
6 Julius $843 ($753 +$90 Bus fee) 2,000/-
7 Ruth $148($98+$48 Bus fee) 2,000/-
8 Bridget $311($203+$108 Bus fee) 2,000/-
9 Maiga Michacl $610($466+$144 Bus fee) 2,000/-
10 Annah $122 2,000/-
11 Dickson (MBA) $1380($ 1200 + $180 Bus fee) 2,000/-