Submit your Paper
Kind Reminder – Submit your Paper by June 06, 2016 for International Journal (IMPACT FACTOR β 2.643) (ISSN- 2394-6636) Publish on June 10, 2016
Sudesh Kumar
May 30 (2 days ago)
Call for Papers (Volume 18: Issue 1)
International Journal of Business Management and Scientific Research
(ISSN 2394-6636)
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Refereed Online Journal
SRIF β Impact Factor: 2.643
As per the Recent Amendments in the publication policy of Journal, the online Publication Certificate will be issued for each author (Max.Two) w.e.f May 2016 Issue
Approved by
Economic Growth and Research Association, Punjab
Publication Date: June 10, 2016
Email for the Paper Submission:
Dear Researchers
Considering your research in related areas, we cordially invite you to submit a paper to International Journal of Business Management and Scientific Research (ISSN.2394-6636) .IJBMSR is an open access online monthly journal, provide a common platform to academicians, practitioners and researchers in the field of Business, Management, Education, Science, Computer, Environmental Science, Sports Science, Social Work, Information Technology, Public Administration, Psychology, Sociology and other closely-related disciplines to publish their original, innovative and socially relevant research works. Therefore, the journal welcomes manuscript submissions from academicians, scholars, and practitioners for possible publication from all over the world.
Survey papers and extended version of a conference paper are also accepted for this Journal.
All manuscripts for this issue should be submitted by email to :
You can find more details about the Journal on the website:
Key Dates:
Submission Deadline (Vol:18, Issue 1)
June06, 2016
Acceptance Notification
Within 2-3 days
We strongly follow the following steps.
1. Our main strength is our strong editorial/reviewer board, which help us in providing the service of fast review process and publication of the papers online in the IJBMSR Journal.
2. Response will be given within 36 hours.
3. The paper will be reviewed within 2-3 days.
4. Author will get their Acceptance/Rejection Notification within 2-3 days of submitting paper.
5. Papers will be published online in the current Issue on June10, 2016
Best Regards
Sudesh Kumar
Associate Editor (09872772726)
International Journal of Business Management and Scientific Research
E-mail for Paper: