A Summer Camp is being organized by the Synetic Business School from June 1 to July 31. Management Trustee Dr. Ghazala Qadri inaugurated the camp. The camp will train students in two different fields. Web designing and English Speaking and Personality Development. Dr. Qadri told that Summer is a great time to expose young minds to new interests and this for the first time that such a camp is being organized for the college students, other school students and their family members. Besides education and learning, students will experience fun, joy and laughter. Full of exuberance, students will participate in various activities that will boost their knowledge, competitive spirit in Information and Technology and English Language.
Experts of different fields have been hired to take classes of their respective events. The valedictory day function would be held July end on the Institute’s lawns in which Chairman Dr. M.A. Zahir would be honor Participants of all events.