Subject code – MBADS1-123
Course Objectives
The main aim of this course is:
1. To acquaint the students regarding various accounting concepts and its application in
managerial decision making.
- To understand financial statements of cash flow and balance sheets.
- To understand the appropriate accounting tools and techniques of financial accounting and
management accounting for preparing and analyzing financial statements. - To make students understand about the financial reporting.
Course Outcomes
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Identify and utilize value-relevant information contained within financial statement.
- Explain the relationship between strategic business analysis, accounting analysis and
financial analysis - Understand the impact of financial reporting choices on the usefulness of reported earnings
to predict future performance. - Conduct applied business research (including locating, critically interpreting and evaluating
firm-specific financial information);
UNIT–I (20 Hrs)
Accounting – Accounting as an Information System, Concepts, Convention and Principles of
Accounting, Role of Accountant in an Organization, Branches of Accounting: Financial, Cost
and Management Accounting and Their Inter-Relationships, Introduction of Accounting
Financial Statements – Need of Financial Statement, Nature, Objectives, Uses and Limitations
of Financial Statement, Stakeholders of Financial Statements
Readings of Financial Statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Retained
Earnings, Fund Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement,
Cost Analysis: Marginal Costing, Break Even Analysis, Standard Costing, Variance Analysis,
Introduction to Budgets and its Types.
Analysis of Financial Statements with Managerial Perspective
Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis: Common Size Statements, Comparative
Statements, Trend Analysis and Ratio Analysis (Liquidity, Leverage, Solvency, Turnover
Ratio, Market Ratio and Profitability Ratio), Du Pont Analysis.
Analysis of Firm Performance: Time Series Analysis and Cross-Sectional Analysis,
Financial Reporting System – Content of Annual Reports, Quality of Financial Reporting,
Consolidated Financial Statements, Indian Financial Reporting System, Ethical Issues in
Financial Reporting (Window Dressing, Quality of Earnings, Financial Scams etc.)
Course Features
- Lectures 10
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 2
- Assessments Yes