Historical Background
- M.JOSHI made an effort to introduce maternity benefit in the assembly in the year of 1924
- The maternity benefit was to be raised by local government, employers
- The bill was rejected in the assembly as they thought time was not ripe to introduce it
- Bombay province introduced the legislation first and other states followed
- Maternity disables a woman worker from undertaking any work during few weeks before and after child birth
- Many employers used to terminate the services of women workers because of the same reason
- Hence to protect women workers from termination , a legislation was required
- The act applies to every establishment of factory, mine, plantation, shop and establishment
- However with the approval of central government, state government may extend the act to industrial, commercial, agricultural sectors
Qualifying Conditions
- A woman is entitled to maternity benefit if she has actually worked in the establishment for not less than 70 days in the 12 months before her expected date of delivery
- The qualifying period doesn‘t apply for migrant who is pregnant at the time of migrating/joining
Rate and duration of maternity benefit
- At the rate of daily wages for the period of her absence
- The period of absence is 12 weeks
- 6 weeks before the delivery and 6 weeks after the delivery
- When a woman dies during the period, benefit is payable upto the date of her death
- When a woman dies during the child birth or immediately after the child birth, benefit is payable for the entire period
- If the child also dies during the period, benefit is payable upto the day of death
Benefit in certain cases
- Every woman is entitled to the benefit even in factories where ESI act is applicable until she becomes qualified to claim maternity benefit under ESI act
Medical Bonus
- Every woman is entitled to the benefit is also entitled to receive a medical bonus of rs 250 if no pre-natal and post-natal care is provided by the employer free of charge
Claim and payment of maternity benefit
- A woman has to fill the application by mentioning all the details , and nominates a person to receive the benefit during her absence before 6 weeks of the expected date of delivery
- If she fails to give the notice before, she can give the notice after the delivery also
- The amount should be paid in advance
Restriction on employment of women during certain periods
- The act prohibits woman employing/working 6 weeks before the expected date of delivery
- And 6 weeks after the delivery, miscarriage, medical termination of pregnancy
Forfeiture of maternity benefit
- If any woman works in any other establishment after availing maternity benefit leave , she forfeits her claim to the benefit
Other provisions
- Leave for miscarriage
- Leave for illness due to pregnancy, delivery and others
- Nursing breaks
- Dismissal during absence of pregnancy
- Deduction of wages is not allowed for nursing breaks
- Inspectors
- Notice display
- Cognizance of offence and others
Leave for miscarriage
- Miscarriage, medical termination of pregnancy(MTP)
- A woman can avail the facility following the day of miscarriage or MTP
- Facility is 6 weeks paid leave
- Proof is required by an authorized doctor
Leave for illness due to pregnancy, delivery and others
- Suffering from illness arising out of pregnancy, delivery, premature birth of a child, miscarriage , MTP or tubectomy operation
- Can avail a leave of 1 month in addition to the period allowed
- Proof is required by an authorized doctor
Nursing breaks
- Every woman who returns to a duty after delivery is to be allowed in the course of her daily work can avail this benefit
- Two breaks for prescribed duration until the child attains an age of 15 months
- Nursing breaks are in addition to the normal rest breaks
Dismissal during absence of pregnancy
- An employer is not allowed to dismiss a woman during the authentic period of maternity leave
- In case of unauthorized absence, a woman can be dismissed , but maternity benefits are usually provided
- A woman can be deprived of maternity benefit for her misconduct
- Appeal can be done within 60 days
Deductions from wages
- Deduction from wages not allowed in case of
- Non-arduous nature of work assigned to her
- Nursing breaks
- An inspector is appointed by the government with required qualifications
- To ensure that the act is enforced he can check the premises, and all records related with women workers
- He can inquire into accidents, injury, statements of employees
- He can confiscate any record/document which he considers as offence
- Display notices, in English and local language near common places like canteen, library
- Maintain registers and records
Cognizance of offence & penalties
- Failure to provide the benefit, dismissing a woman amounts in imprisonment of 3 months which can be extended to 1 year or with fine from Rs 2000-5000
- Failure to produce documents to the inspector results in 1 year prison or fine of Rs 5000 or both
- Contravention of other provisions results in 1 year prison or fine of Rs 5000 or both