Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test Now Online

Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test
Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test Now Online, you can take the test and first top 20 students will get the chance for scholarship up to Rs. 21,000. So take it now and entitled to get the scholarship.
How to Take online Test
- Click the below link
2. Fill all the basic details Correctly i.e. name, email id, phone no.
3. Submit
4. Start Quiz
Dr. Zahir Meritorious Scholarship Test Rules
- There are total 50 Multi Choice Questions with 4 Options, you have to choose one right answer from the options
- All Questions having 1 Mark Each
- The total Time for Test is 25 Minutes
- There is no Negative Marking
- Once you have select an option then it can’t be change later
- At a time only 1 question will be loaded, after answering that question click on next for next question
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